Hypnosis for stress

Stress results from a build-up of mental and/or physical pressures to a level that you find overwhelming. However, this stress threshold varies from person to person. For example, you may get a buzz from giving a talk to hundreds of people. Yet, in similar circumstances, someone else may become a nervous wreck.

Either way, stress is inevitable throughout your lifetime. Everyone goes through some stress in their life, such as bereavement, job loss, the ending of a relationship, serious illness, or the demands of caring for children or sick relatives. But even pleasant life developments can take a mental and physical toll, including leaving home for the first time, taking on new responsibilities at work, or settling down with a new partner.

When a lot of little stressors or multiple big ones happen in a short span of time, you may have difficulty coping. You may feel defeated by the amount of things you have to do. You may experience a lack of drive and energy. You become stressed out.

Stress: The Modern Day Fight or Flight Response

In the days of hunters and gatherers, stress saved your ancestors from dangers in the wild. When a threat was near, their muscles would tense up. Their blood pressure would rise. Their heart would start racing. Their breathing would become quick and shallow. Their mouths would feel dry. They may even have started to sweat or shake. Sound familiar?

These bodily changes happened because they perceived a major threat, such as a wild boar attack. They needed to get ready to run or fight for their lives. Once the threat was clear, these physiological reactions would quickly subside.

But in modern times, it’s rarely a wild boar that makes you feel threatened. Often, it’s from stressors in this modern world, such as an over-demanding boss, the demands of taking care of a sick relative, not having enough control over our work, or a combination of factors.

And when the stress doesn’t end, the physiological effects don’t either. This leads to other physical symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, frequent migraines, backaches, angina, skin eruptions, bowel problems, stomach cramps, or high blood pressure. Anxiety and depression also commonly coincide with these long-term effects.

These symptoms indicate that important and necessary emotional needs are not being met. You may feel lonely, pulled in all different directions, or have trouble finding meaning. When this happens, something has to change to eliminate and decrease the stress in your life.

Hypnosis for stress focuses on helping people, like yourself, find healthy ways to meet their essential emotional needs. It works by allowing you to relax and switch off the emotional centers in the brain so you can find solutions to whatever is causing you to feel overwhelmed. Stress is at the root of all psychological issues and by learning how to relax regularly, you will feel better equipped to deal the challenges in life. In just a single session, people report feeling more relaxed and in control.

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